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Tuesday, 20 September 2011


I was reminded recently of how many people when they retire just sit somewhere and "stare at walls."
Fine I guess, if you like just turning off who you are. But not fine for so many people that have so much in them to share with others.

Sharing something you have, something you know, something you delight in and allowing someone else to gain from that sharing is nothing short of magic.

Hola, mi nombre es Gavino...(hello my name is Gavin).
I am offering anyone that opportunity to share with others what you know and understand. With a group of professional Guatemalans we are going to build homes for people that cannot afford homes. Yes, there are many well known names out there building homes. The catch is that a candidate for that opportunity first has to have land. Their land of course becomes the equity for that arranged loan.

What happens to those with no land? Who will help them?

We want to. Will you help us to help them?

There are many plans to generate that cash flow needed.
An alignment with a recognized Spanish language school is one, where participants would learn espanol part of the day and the rest they would (physically) build homes.

Another is me being a retirement consultant for people that wish to retire in the land of eternal spring. Here I would offer my knowledge and connections for people to see the advantages of retirement in Guatemala. Believe me when I say that a couple can retire in a great and comfortable lifestyle for less than a thousand dollars (CAD) a month.

Another is your idea...

Or would prefer to stare at walls?

Take a look at my blog for contact info and more information. There are NO WALLS there.


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