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Wednesday, 24 October 2012

WE ALL SURVIVED... 2012 - END OF DAYS...Guatemala

I originally wrote this....

Where will you be 
as the world as we know it 

On December 21, 2012, sometime on that Sunday, the 13th Baktun or long count of the Maya calender is going to end. The full cycle of the long count also symbolizes the Maya "story of creation or the Pop Vue."

Some people believe that everything, yes the world as we know it, will come to some sort of planet lining up, pole shifting, cataclysmic ending. 


Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, polar shifts, tidal waves, toppling buildings, car swallowing sink holes, erupting fires, yes all manner of disasters... will occur. 

How Cheery.

If the world is about to end of course, you can actually  forego your mortgage or car payment. 


Yet just in the slightest chance, in that minuscule what if nothing happens event, that absolutely nothing will happen scenario, you should probably make that payment. Because you see, in all of this speculation lives that slightest hope that all humanity shares, that nothing will actually happening at all, and that life as we know it will be just the same as it was on the day before. That spiritual transformation and pseudoscience will take a back seat to reality.

The end of time occurs on a Sunday, so perhaps you could have a small low key party with family or friends. Yes get together Saturday night just to celebrate. Celebrate that wonderful ending to come or, just to celebrate nothing.

Another option of course is that if you actually believe in that doom and gloom possibility, you could just sit on your balcony or terrace or patio and watch the impending doom as planet Nibiru plunges towards you. What a glorious site that would be. Better make sure all your cameras are ready and geared up to record that event.

In either case there is very little anyone can do unless you have secretly been building some sort of time travel machine or spaceship. I just wonder where you will go? Got any plans?

In any event the very best place of course to experience this apocalyptic event is right here where it all began. Right here in Maya country. Right here in Guatemala. That is exactly what I am doing.

So you out there reading this, yes you, as time is short, doom is impending, we do not much time left, etc, etc... you must get the very next flight you can find and come here right now. Come to Guatemala immediately and without delay. 

No need to bring much with you, as after-all you won't need it, will you. And just in case nothing happens, my how boring, you can still have a really great experience, a great time, just by being here. 

Oh and let me know if you are coming to my party, 
space is really limited on my spaceship.


Ok..... but...

That is what I originally wrote... and well mmmm we are all still here right?? And I am and planning to continue to be here on this planet called earth for as long as I am needed here.
How about you?
Hope so....

Sunday, 21 October 2012


ACTIVE SENIORS... Lets do it!

El Mirador is a large pre-Colombian Maya settlement that was discovered in 1926. It had a population of 80,000 people. It lays deep in the jungle of the department of Peten in northern Guatemala. It was a large trading centre from 300 BCE to 150 CE during the preclassic period.


To get to El Mirador today involves a two to three days trek with pack horses or mules. The journey alone is both arduous and demanding. Camping is primitive as you sleep in hammocks or primitive shelters. Sturdy footwear and the ability to hike 10 km per day is mandatory. The weather is tropical and humid. Mosquito repellent is a must. 

Now that the rainy season has ended are you ready for this?
I will arrange everything for your trip.

Are you coming?